Main Level Chambers

An audio recording of the Open Session of this meeting is being made and will be available through the Municipal Website as a public service to further enhance access to municipal government services and to continue to promote open and transparent government. As a visitor, your presence may be recorded and your name and address may be revealed during certain parts of the Council meeting. __________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Council Agenda dated September 17, 2020 be adopted as presented/amended.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on August 27, 2020 be adopted as presented/amended.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the consent agenda motions presented on the agenda.

Hard copies of all correspondence for information is available at the Municipal office on request. The information items have been circulated to Council prior to the meeting.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT correspondence items numbered: 8.2.1 to 8.2.2 on this agenda be received by Council for information and be noted, filed, and recorded in the minutes of this meeting;

RE: Amendments to Ontario Regulation 244/97 and Aggregates of Ontario Provincial Standards under the Aggregate Resources Act

RE: Inspection of MNRF - Approved Prescribed Burn Plan for Slash Burning Nipissing Forest

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report from Temagami Fire Department for the month of August, 2020

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report from the Treasurer/Administrator dated September 17, 2020.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the notice of consultation from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry concerning the Local Forest Management Corporation;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs Staff to prepare a letter for the Mayor’s signature voicing the Municipality of Temagami’s support for the creation of the Local Forest Management Corporation under the Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act, 2011, to manage the Temagami Management Unit.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the budget variance dated September 8 for information.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the proposed 2021 budget for the Temagami Ambulance Service;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs Staff to forward this to the Nipissing District Social Service Administration Board to be included in their budget deliberations.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive Memo 2020-M-117;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs Staff to complete the recommended priority repairs and renovations in accordance with the procurement policy and within the budget restrictions provided for the ambulance building repairs.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive Memo 2020-M-118;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs Staff to coordinate with the Team Lead of the Temagami Ambulance Service to determine the priority of the requested purchases;

    AND FURTHER THAT Staff be authorized to use the retained portion of the 2019 surplus towards the priority items and that the remaining items be considered in future budgets.

  • Draft Motion:

    WHEREAS Council received email correspondence from Mr. Bull regarding interest in pursuing funding opportunities for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at the August 6, 2020, regular Council Meeting;

    AND WHEREAS Council directed municipal staff conduct more research on the proposed initiative and provide recommendation at a subsequent meeting;

    AND WHEREAS staff was unsuccessful in finding any available grants or funding associated with electric vehicle charging stations;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to commence discussions with the business community to see if there is an interest in proceeding with this endeavor.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct Staff to review and recommend changes to the parking regulations in the Traffic By-law 09-826, as amended;

    AND FURTHER THAT the recommended changes include new short form wordings and updated fines presented for Council’s consideration;

    AND FURTHER THAT appropriate steps be taken to streamline the process to forward the new set fines, short form wording, and other amendments to the Office of the Attorney General for Ontario for approval once Council has considered these amendments.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive Memo 2020-M-121 regarding the proposed amendment of a previous site plan agreement;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approve the proposed Site Plan Control Agreement SPCA-20-11, being an amendment to the existing site plan for 62 Stevens Road.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council support Resolution 167-06-2020 passed by the Council of the Town of Lakeshore at their meeting of June 9, 2020;

    AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated as indicated in their resolution.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report from Jamie Robinson, BES, MCIP, RPP and Patrick Townes, BA, BEd MHBC Planning, Planning Consultants dated September 17, 2020; Update on Official Plan Review.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Lake Capacity Study Cost  Estimates report.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 20-1524, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Temagami, be taken as read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 17 day of September, 2020;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT this meeting adjourn at x:xx p.m.

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