Main Level Chambers

An audio recording of the Open Session of this meeting is being made and will be available through the Municipal Website as a public service to further enhance access to municipal government services and to continue to promote open and transparent government. As a visitor, your presence may be recorded and your name and address may be revealed during certain parts of the Council meeting. __________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Council Agenda dated March 13, 2025 be adopted as presented.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the minutes from February 13, 2025 Regular Council Meeting, as presented.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the consent agenda items, as presented.

    8.1 Staff Reports for Information

    8.2 Correspondence for Information

    8.3 Minutes of Local Boards & Committees

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-052 as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts the Organizational Chart as Appendix A, hereby forming part of this report.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-053 as presented;

    AND FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council accepts option # ______  for the Delegation of Authority to appoint a member of Council to act in the place of the Head of Council for emergency purposes when the Head of Council is absent.

    AND FURTHER RESOLVED THAT AND FURTHER THAT Council Direct staff to prepare a by-law for adoption at the next regular Council meeting to formally entrench the policy.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-054 as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts the repeal of By-Law No. 24-1772 and passes By-Law No. 25-1801.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-055 as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council selects the following items to be included in the Base Rent;

    1. ________
    2. ________
    3. ________

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council repeals By-Law No. 2-1600 and By-Law No. 22-1601, and enacts By-Law No. 25-1803.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-056, including Appendix A (hereby being part of the memo), as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves the RFP for the Development Charges Background Study, including the scope of services, proposal submission requirements, and evaluation criteria.

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes the CAO/Treasurer to finalize the issue date, post the RFP, and take all necessary actions to execute the RFP process, including distribution, review of received proposals, and bringing the results to Council for final review and decision.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-057 as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council enacts By-Law No. 25-1805, amending Schedule "K" of User Fee By-law 24-1760.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-058 (including Appendix A, attached hereto as
    part of this report) as presented;

    AND FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Council authorize the Clerk to proceed with the process of applying
    for the acquisition of Crown land for multiple municipal purposes, subject to the condition that any
    associated costs will be presented to Council for consideration before proceeding further.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-059 as presented;

    AND FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council authorize staff to integrate the Square Reader into our current payment system for landfills and transfer stations.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-060 as presented;

    AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council hereby appoints ___________ to the Ad Hoc Budget Committee to fill the vacancy left by Deputy Mayor Koistinen;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Committee continues its mandate as per the Terms of Reference outlined in Memo 2024-M-218 approved by Resolution 24-575.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-061 as presented;

    AND FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council approves the rescheduling of TREDCO’s first activity report presentation to the March 27, 2025, Working Session of Council.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-062;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) proposal, attached as Appendices A, B, and C (which hereby form part of this memo), for control valve servicing for the Temagami Water Treatment Plants;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes the CAO/Treasurer to execute the agreement with OCWA and allocate the total expenditure to the 2025 Capital Budget.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-063 as presented;
    AND BE IT RESOLVED Council deny the request from the residents at 4 Harmony Avenue for the Municipality to plow their driveway, which contains an easement for municipal infrastructure services,
    AND FURTHER THAT Council maintain the existing policy of not providing snow removal services on private property, even where an easement exists.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1801, to regulate the Display of Flags and the Issuance of Proclamations in the Municipality of Temagami, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of March, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1802, to Regulate the Audio Recording of Council and Committee Meetings for the Municipality of Temagami, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of March, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1803, to repeal By-Law No. 22-1600 and By-Law No. 22-1601 and authorize the execution of a new lease agreement for the Temagami Train Station, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of March, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1804, to authorize the execution of a Transfer Payment Agreement with His Majesty the King in right of Ontario, as represented by Employment and Social Development Canada, for the Horizons North Seniors Funding, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of March, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1805, to amend Schedule "K" of By-Law 21-1760 to set fees and charges for services, activities and use of municipal property, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of March, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-064 as presented;

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council pass the attached motion (Appendix A – attached hereto
    as part of this report) urging the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and the Ministry of
    Transportation to establish an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) program, similar to Manitoba’s, to
    protect lakes in Northeastern Ontario.


    WHEREAS there is a growing concern among residents of the Municipality of Temagami regarding the significant risk of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) being introduced into local lakes by boats arriving from high-risk areas without appropriate inspection and decontamination;

    AND WHEREAS Ontario currently has no mandatory inspection or decontamination requirements in place to prevent the spread of AIS;

    AND WHEREAS it is well documented that the overland movement of watercraft and water-related equipment is the primary vector for transporting AIS to uninvaded water bodies in North America;

    AND WHEREAS the Province of Manitoba operates an annual AIS watercraft inspection program from late spring through the middle of fall, requiring all motorized and non-motorized watercraft to stop at designated inspection stations for assessment and potential decontamination;

    AND WHEREAS the Manitoba program applies to a broad range of watercraft, including canoes, kayaks, fishing boats, sailboats, personal watercraft (Jet Ski®), stand-up paddleboards (SUPs), and any water-related equipment that has come into contact with a water body;

    AND WHEREAS the Manitoba government’s AIS Regulation under The Water Protection Act mandates decontamination procedures at designated sites strategically located along highways and other key locations to prevent the spread of AIS;

    AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario is currently developing several new rest stops along key Northern Ontario highways but has not included AIS wash stations within their mandate;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Temagami calls upon the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Transportation to establish an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) program similar to Manitoba's, to protect lakes in Northeastern Ontario;

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario be urged to designate select new rest stop locations, such as Marten River, as sites for AIS inspection and decontamination stations;

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be circulated to other municipalities along Highway 11, as they are directly affected by watercraft movement and share similar concerns regarding the introduction of AIS, for their support and endorsement;

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Federation of Northern Municipalities, requesting their advocacy to ensure the protection of lakes within their jurisdiction;

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be sent to Premier Doug Ford, requesting his support and collaboration with the relevant Ministries to implement this program.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1806, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Temagami, be taken as read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 13th day of March, 2025.;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT this meeting adjourn at x:xx p.m.

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