Main Level Chambers

An audio recording of the Open Session of this meeting is being made and will be available through the Municipal Website as a public service to further enhance access to municipal government services and to continue to promote open and transparent government. As a visitor, your presence may be recorded and your name and address may be revealed during certain parts of the Council meeting. __________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Council Agenda dated February 13, 2025 be adopted as presented.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the Meeting Minutes from the January 9, 2025 Regular Council Meeting, as presented.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the Meeting Minutes from the January 23, 2025 Council Working Session, as presented.

Cogeco Plans for Temagami

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the presentation from Cogeco, regarding installation of Fiber internet in Temagami

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Staff Report regarding the Final Official Plan dated February 13th, 2025.

* 5 minutes per each presenter for a Maximum of 15 Minutes in total for all unregistered presentations*

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the consent agenda items, as presented.

    8.1 Staff Reports for Information

    8.2 Correspondence for Information

    8.3 Minutes of Local Boards & Committees 

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-031 as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council provides its input on the strategic priorities outlined in the report by a deadline set by Council;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the CAO consolidates Council’s input and brings forward a finalized, prioritized list of strategic initiatives for approval.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-033 as presented;
    AND FURTHER THAT Council Appoint _________________ as the Municipal Auditor for a five year term;
    AND FURTHER THAT Council will consider a by-law to appoint the Auditor for five (5) years later in the meeting.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-034, as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts OCWA’s proposal, as attached in Appendix A, which shall form part of this memo for the ECA Amendment Application for the Temagami North Wastewater Treatment System;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to execute the necessary documents to proceed with the amendment application.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-035 as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council formally accepts TULLOCH Engineering Inc.'s proposal, as outlined in Appendix A, which shall be incorporated as an integral part of this memo for the Caribou Mountain Inspection;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to execute all necessary documents to proceed with the engineering review and inspection;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the allocated fee of $11,500 plus HST shall be included in the 2025 Budget.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-036 as presented;

    AND FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to initiate the Development Charges Background Study under the Development Charges Act, 1997, and bring forward a proposed framework of the study for approval.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-037 as presented;

    AND FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council will consider a By-law to Govern the Collection of Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Dedication later in this meeting.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-038 as presented;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Municipality of Temagami approves the attendance of Mayor Dan O'Mara, Councillor Margaret Youngs, Councillor Carol Lowery, and CAO Laala Jahanshahloo at the 2025 FONOM Conference;

    AND FURTHER THAT all necessary expenses related to registration, accommodations, and travel be authorized in accordance with the Municipality’s policies and budgetary allocations.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Memo 2025-M-039 as presented;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves the request from Sisters by Choice to waive the rental fee for the Marten River Fire Hall from November 2024 to the end of May 2025 as an in-kind donation, subject to compliance with all requirements in the Council Donation Policy and the MRFH rental agreements.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Temagami approve the request from the Nipissing Region Curatorial Collective (NRCC) to endorse and sponsor the Deep Water Music Festival by providing in-kind support through the donation of the Town Waterfront for event use, as well as tables and chairs, in accordance with the Municipal Donation Policy.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the donation request and information from TAFIP;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council grant permission for the use of the Mine Landing for the Ling Fling event on March 15, 2025, pending confirmation that the Municipality of Temagami has been added as an additional insured for the event and location.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approve the contribution of a cash donation of $________ to assist in the fundraising efforts for TAFIP’s Fish Hatchery.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the attached resolution support requests from other Municipalities and hereby direct staff to send the requested letters of support.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1794, to Adopt the Official Plan, be taken as read a third time, and finally passed this 13th day of February, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1796, to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute a Municipal/MNRF Forest Fire Management Agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of February, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1797, to adopt an Employment Policy and Procedures Manual for the Municipality of Temagami, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of February, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1798, to Govern the Collection of Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Dedication, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of February, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1799, Being a By-Law to Appoint a Municipal Auditor, be taken as read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of February, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

Cllr. Youngs

  • Draft Motion:


25-1800 - Confirmation By-Law

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 25-1800, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Temagami, be taken as read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 13th day of February, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT this meeting adjourn at x:xx p.m.

No Item Selected