Meeting #:
Main Level Chambers

​An audio recording of the Open Session of this meeting is being made and will be available through the Municipal Website as a public service to further enhance access to municipal government services and to continue to promote openness and transparency. As a visitor, your presence along with your name and address, may be recorded revealed during certain parts of the meeting. Any comments made at a meeting will become part of the public record. 

Secretary-Treasurer to read out the meeting procedures.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment meeting held September 26, 2019 be adopted presented.

  • C-19-01 - Krygsman
    • C-19-01 - Krysgman Consent application deferred until a Stage 2 archaeological assessment is completed.
  • C-19-03 in conjunction with MV-19-04 - Carswell/Amyotte
    • Awaiting on the revised sketch.
  • MV-19-03 - Allen
    • Awaiting on Stage 2 archaeological assessment to be completed
  • MHBC - Update provided under Items for Discussion.

Applicant: Karen Beauchamp, Clearwater Planning Inc on behalf of Robert & Lynne Wolstenholme

Property Location: 61 Rattler Road


THE PURPOSE of the Application is:

To permit an addition to the existing dwelling to increase the amount of living room space.  The proposed addition is located over an existing deck on the east side of the cottage.  The location existing deck and the proposed addition do not meet the minimum distance from the shore for any dwelling unit within the Remote Residential (R2) Zone; and also do not meet the minimum side yard for any dwelling unit within the R2 Zone. 

Section 7.5.2 a) of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum distance from shore for any dwelling unit of 15.0 metres; and Section 7.5.2 c) requires a minimum side yard of 5.0 metres.  The existing deck and the proposed addition are located 12.2 metres from the shore, and 1.4 metres from the eastern side lot line. 

Variances are proposed to Section 7.5.2 a) of the Zoning By-law to reduce the minimum distance for any dwelling unit from the shore by 2.8 metres (12.2 metres is proposed and 15.0 metres is required), and to Section 7.5.2 c) to reduce the minimum side yard by 3.6 metres (1.4 metres is proposed and 5.0 metres required). 

THE EFFECT of the Application is:

To permit an addition to the existing dwelling to increase the amount of living space, having a setback of 12.2 from the shore and a setback of 1.4 metres from the side lot line. 

  • Draft Motion:


    The Committee of Adjustment:          Grants Refuses Deferrers

    Minor Variance Application: MV-20-01

    Applicant: Karen Beauchamp on behalf of Robert & Lynne Wolstenholme

    Subject to the attached Notice of Decision

  • Temagami First Nation pre-consultation process
  • Determination of studies as part of a complete application
  • Pre-consultation timelines for applications
  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the January 30, 2020 Committee of Adjustment meeting be adjourned at         p.m.