
An audio recording of the Open Session of this meeting is being made and will be available through the Municipal Website as a public service to further enhance access to municipal government services and to continue to promote open and transparent government. As a visitor, your presence may be recorded and your name and address may be revealed during certain parts of the Council meeting. __________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Council Agenda dated February 11, 2021 be adopted as presented/amended.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on January 21st, 2021 be adopted as presented/amended.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on January 27th, 2021 be adopted as presented/amended.

* 5 minutes per each presenter for a Maximum of 15 Minutes in total for all unregistered presentations*

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the consent agenda motions presented on the agenda.

Hard copies of all correspondence for information is available at the Municipal office on request. The information items have been circulated to Council prior to the meeting.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT correspondence items numbered: 8.2.1 to 8.2.3 on this agenda be received by Council for information and be noted, filed, and recorded in the minutes of this meeting;

RE: Letter from the Honourable Greg Rickford and Bill Walker 

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report from Temagami Fire Department for the month of January, 2021.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive report from Treasurer/Administrator dated February 11, 2021.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Statement of the Treasurer on Remuneration paid.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the 6 year financial plan provided to OCWA for the purposes of the licence renewals for the Temagami Water Systems.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council invite appropriate representatives of OCWA to the next Council meeting to discuss the need for a water conservation by-law or if assurances that the maximum rates capacity will not be exceeded can be achieved in other methods.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council maintain 2021 user charges at the 2020 level due to the economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic;

    AND FURTHER THAT the construction waste delivered to transfer stations by boat would have the one cubic meter fee of $7.00 applied to each boat load.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the draft Establishing & Regulating By-law for Fire Departments, to replace current Fire Department E&R Bylaws, as recommended by Fire Chiefs from the Marten River and Temagami Fire Departments;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council consider the draft E&R By-Law for first reading, for approval at the February Council meeting.

  • Draft Motion:

    That that the following motions be passed in support of a request to review and reform of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

    WHEREAS the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.O. 1990 (MFIPPA) dates back 30 years;

    AND WHEREAS municipalities, including the Municipality of Temagami, practice and continue to promote open and transparent government operations, actively disseminate information and routinely disclose public documents upon request outside of the MFIPPA process;

    AND WHEREAS government operations, public expectations, technologies, and legislation surrounding accountability and transparency have dramatically changed and MFIPPA has not advanced in line with these changes;

    AND WHEREAS the creation, storage and utilization of records has changed significantly, and the Municipal Clerk of the Municipality is responsible for records and information management programs as prescribed by the Municipal Act, 2001;

    AND WHEREAS regulation 823 under MFIPPA continues to reference antiquated technology and does not adequately provide for cost recovery, and these financial shortfalls are borne by the municipal taxpayer;

    AND WHEREAS the threshold to establish frivolous and/or vexatious requests is unreasonably high and allows for harassment of staff and members of municipal councils, and unreasonably affects the operations of the municipality;

    AND WHEREAS the Act fails to recognize how multiple requests from an individual, shortage of staff resources or the expense of producing a record due to its size, number or physical location does not allow for time extensions to deliver requests and unreasonably affects the operations of the municipality;

    AND WHEREAS the name of the requestor is not permitted to be disclosed to anyone other than the person processing the access request, and this anonymity is used by requesters to abuse the MFIPPA process and does not align with the spirit of openness and transparency embraced by municipalities;

    AND WHEREAS legal professionals use MFIPPA to gain access to information launch litigation against institutions, where other remedies exist;

    AND WHEREAS there are limited resources to assist administrators or requestors to navigate the legislative process;

    AND WHEREAS reform is needed to address societal and technological changes in addition to global privacy concerns and consistency across provincial legislation;

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services be requested to review the MFIPPA, and consider recommendations as follows:

    1. That MFIPPA assign the Municipal Clerk, or designate to be the Head under the Act;
    2. That MFIPPA be updated to address current and emerging technologies;
    3. That MFIPPA regulate the need for consistent routine disclosure practices across institutions;
    4. That the threshold for frivolous and/or vexatious actions be reviewed, and take into consideration the community and available resources in which it is applied;
    5. That the threshold for frivolous and/or vexatious also consider the anonymity of requesters, their abusive nature and language in requests to ensure protection from harassment as provided for in Occupational Health and Safety Act;
    6. That the application and scalability of fees be designed to ensure taxpayers are protected from persons abusing the access to information process;
    7. That administrative practices implied or required under the Act, including those of the IPC, be reviewed and modernized;
    8. That the integrity of the Act be maintained to protect personal privacy and transparent governments;

    AND FURTHER THAT The Corporation of Temagami send a letter to Premier of Ontario Doug Ford, Honourable Lisa Thompson, Minister of Government and Consumer Services , Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Patricia Kosseim, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Gradon Smith, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, AMCTO Legislative and Policy Advisory Committee and Local MPP’s Office acknowledging the need for a review and change of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report from the Ombudsman dated February 2021;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct Staff to prepare a report addressing the recommendations made by the Ombudsman.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council support Resolution from December 18th, 2021 of the Municipality of Charlton and Dack.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council support Resolution No. 2021-28 (a) & (b) from January 26, 2021 of the City of North Bay.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive and file Resolution 20-257 from Township of Matachewan.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive and file Resolution 21-06 from Town of Mattawa.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct Staff to set aside part of the land located at 26 Lakeshore Drive for the future development of the proposed Temagami Memorial Park;

    AND FURTHER THAT Staff draft a lease agreement for this parcel, which will contain the conditions/use of the property, to be reviewed at the next regular council meeting.

RE: Waste Management Plan is available on the Municipal Website

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Waste Management Master Plan from Tulloch Engineering;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct Staff to create an review and implementation plan for Council’s consideration.

  • Draft Motion:

    Council’s opportunity to discuss the future use of the arena.  We have blank resolution forms as the need arises should Council want different studies and/or public input as this is being discussed.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct Staff to prepare a report on the potential economic benefits to local businesses of training and certifying appropriate municipal employees to perform civil unions.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct Staff to cost analysis of offering a skate/snowshoe/Nordic ski/ toboggan subsidy in lieu of hosting Shiverfest in 2021.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 21-1542, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Temagami, be taken as read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 11 day of February 2021;

    AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and recorded in the by-law book.

  • Draft Motion:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT this meeting adjourn at x:xx p.m.

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